SF Bay

Building tangible, replicable, and inclusive environmental solutions

Our Mission

The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center for Data Science & Environment (DSE) leverages the power of modern data and environmental science to create a healthy planet where people and nature can thrive.


Launched in 2022, the DSE is a partnership between UC Berkeley's Rausser College of Natural Resources and the College of Computing, Data Science, and Society, with the financial support of Eric and Wendy Schmidt.


DSE 2024 annual report cover

DSE's 2024 Annual Report

DSE's 2024 annual report highlights our recent successes in cutting-edge data and environmental science.


  • Co-designing an AI visualization tool and data platform with a California Tribe to monitor local biodiversity
  • Testing a suite of AI tools for land managers to rapidly assess and respond to wildfires in the California desert
  • Developing an AI policy tool and interactive model that furthered negotiations to end global plastic pollution


January 27, 2025
student workshop

Register Now for a Free Science Communications Workshop!

Would you like support crafting a compelling elevator pitch about your research? Are you looking for a place where you can get real-time feedback on your pitch from communications experts in a fun environment?


Learn how to translate your research into a concise, persuasive story to increase your impact as a scientist!


January 21, 2025
JupyterGIS aims to offer similar functionality to QGIS, but in JupyterLab! This image shows JupyterGIS visualizing GeoTIFF data; you can pan and zoom, identify features or grid cell values, and you can work collaboratively with other people on the same project in real-time!

Introducing GeoJupyter!

GeoJupyter is a community-owned effort to reimagine geospatial interactive computing experiences for education, research, and industry.

January 14, 2025