Register Now for a Free Science Communications Workshop!
Would you like support crafting a compelling elevator pitch about your research? Are you looking for a place where you can get real-time feedback on your pitch from communications experts in a fun environment?
Learn how to translate your research into a concise, persuasive story to increase your impact as a scientist!
Join us on March 17th or 18th for a free science communications workshop on campus hosted by the Schmidt Family Foundation. All UC Berkeley graduate students, postdocs, and early-career faculty working in science and the environment are welcome. Details below and register here:
- Participants will learn best practices on science communications and will receive 1:1 coaching on your personal pitch from experts at the Schmidt Family Foundation and leading journalists.
- By the end of the workshop, you will be able to (succinctly!) articulate what makes your research exciting, timely, and impactful to the media, policymakers, and more.
- Previous workshops have brought in media experts from the New York Times, NPR, USA Today, BBC, and more.
- The workshop will take place from approximately 9am - 3pm on either March 17 or 18 (please indicate if you have a preference in the registration form). Food will be provided.
Space is limited! Pre-register by Friday, January 31 at 12pm. Additional info will be provided to those who pre-register.
Questions? Please contact Suzanne Spencer: suzannespencer@berkeley.edu.